Customer Testimonials

We are a high volume user of high quality laminated and zippered stand up food pouches. We asked Chin-Canada Industries for prices on a variety of our bags and were extremely delighted to learn we could save over 30% on the cost of our bags resulting in savings of many tens of thousands of dollars a year. The quality of the printing of the Chin-Canada bags was actually superior to the ones we were using. The turn around time for delivery of new bags is actually faster with Chin-Canada than our existing supplier. Needless to say we are extremely happy with the high quality, low prices, and superior service.
Dieter ThiemPresident,
Flora Protein

Industries Ltd.

Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Tel: 1-604-777-4001 Email:
Corporate Outline
Corporate Outline

Chin-Canada Industries Ltd. is a Canadian Corporation located in Vancouver, Canada specifically devoted to satisfying our customers' needs for the highest quality packaging products at extremely attractive prices.

We have a proprietary interest in one of Coastal China's most advanced production facilities, and provide service to our customers in ways that often surprise them, bringing our years of experience to bear when proposing solutions to packaging problems and when suggesting the latest packaging developments.

We currently provide bags and clamshells to the following industries:

  • Fishing Industry
  • Farming; berries, cucumbers, peppers
  • Clothing; retail, bio-degradable bags
  • Pet Food

The quality of our products is guaranteed and our team of QC experts monitors our customers' orders through every step of the process, from preliminary artwork, mold preparation and sample submissions through to manufacturing to final delivery to our customer's door.

Because of our extensive and state of the art production capabilities, we can usually save our customers at least 20% and generally more on the cost of their current bag purchases, all the while meeting and often exceeding the quality of their existing bags and clamshells.

We can set up periodic guaranteed delivery of your bags and clamshells directly to your company and even monitor your inventory so that you have complete peace of mind that the packaging you need will arrive when you need it.

With our extensive experience, we can suggest ways to enhance the appearance and functionality of your packaging to better allow you to compete in the market from a design, quality and price point of view.

Chin-Canada Industries will be happy to serve your needs and help you become more profitable and competitive in your industry.